Sunday, July 8, 2012

Murals: Marvel Edition - Stage 3

More progress has been made on my murals! :)

Because the paint is so thin, I've had to apply several different coats, taking me longer to paint this.

To add to the painting, once I'm done with all the other coats, and I have a solid coat of red, without any spaces showing, I plan to take a thin coat of metallic gold paint to the yellow areas, and a thin coat of metallic red paint to the red areas. This will create the look and shine that metal has/ 

As well, I am going to try and find clear glow in the dark paint, to add to the eyes, his hands, and also the arc reactor in his chest, so that when the lights are off in the room, even though I'm painting the comic book version, it will be like in the movie, where his eyes are glowing. (Example below)

I have not been able to paint very much, due to the extreme temperatures outside. Because I am painting on the door, I cannot have the door open to allow air to flow in from the rest of the house. So, in order to keep the paint fumes from building up in a small area, I have to have the windows open.

This is difficult to do, as the temperatures outside are reaching well above 90 degrees Fahrenheit, causing the entire house to heat up when the windows are open, as well as force the air conditioner to work harder.

I hope to be able to paint again at some point soon, so I can finish this mural, and begin to work on others.

Note: I do not own the copy written character above!!

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