Saturday, December 6, 2014

Work in Progress... Middle Earth

I've been working on a project on and off for about a year or so now, and figured that I might as well post the photos from it, since I have not worked on it for quite a while.

Opening page of the notebook.

A drawing of Thorin's map. I'm still not finished with it yet

Let the journey begin!

Drawing of Bilbo Baggins

A drawing of Thorin Oakenshield. This is not in the notebook, but sort of illustrates the style of drawing that I'll be including in the book. I'll be making a smaller version of this drawing.

The notebook will be covering all of the major characters (a total of about 56 characters) from the Hobbit trilogy and the Lord of the Rings. I'm also going to draw Dale, Isengard, Mt. Doom, the Lonely Mountain, Lake Town, Gondor, and Rohan. This is going to take me an extremely long time, but I think it's going to be awesome, once it's completed!

Note: I do not own any of the copy-written characters or names above!!

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