Sunday, December 21, 2014

Work in Progress: Middle Earth Notebook

Hey there! :) I've done a few more characters for my Middle Earth notebook I wrote about a few posts back. Here are some photos below!

Here's my drawing of Radagast! I'm not entirely happy with it, but since I drew it in pen, I can't really do much to change it. I don't want to rip the pages out, but wish I could change it some how... Any suggestions?

Anyway, moving on!

 My drawing of Azog, the Defiler. I think I made is head a bit too small, but I think it looks decent.

I really like this one - it's my drawing of Balin! It not only looks like him, but I like the detail I added onto the clothing.

And now, for my favorite I've done so far, my drawing of Thranduil! I tried to add a lot of detail to his outfit, and think that it really added to it. 

Hope you've enjoyed the work I've done on this project, so far! It's going to take me an extremely long time to finish, but I'm making progress on it. :) Please comment with any suggestions you have, and share my blog!

Note: I do not own any of the copy-written characters above!!

Paper Mache: Loki Scepter - Stage 6

I know I haven't blogged about my paper mache Loki scepter, for about two years now, but I truly am, FINALLY almost done with this project! :D  Here it is, with the base coats of the metallic gold and silver spray paint.

Unfortunately, there was a HUGE crack in the clay in the middle of the scepter, so I had to use Gorilla tape to repair it, and then spray paint over it. The crack was in a spot where the scepter could snap and any second. Unfortunately, the tape hid all of the detail on the handle, but has kept it from breaking, so far. 

Since it doesn't look like what I had hoped, this will be a steampunk scepter, and will later complete a revised Loki scepter. I'm thinking that the revised Loki scepter will have to have a tutorial to it... ;D I'll try, but it's not a guarantee...

Over this next week, I'll be embellishing the scepter, with gears, metal plates, rivets, etc., and adding paint to make it look old and run down. Hoping it will look good, and will go with the steampunk Loki outfit I'll eventually make! (If you missed the post, look for the, "More Costuming Ideas," post from earlier this month)

Thanks for reading! As always, please comment and share :)

Note: I do not own any copy-written characters above!!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Wonder Woman Drawing

Last post for today :) I just finished my Wonder Woman drawing that was a work in progress last week. Here it is!

This is the first Wonder Woman drawing I've ever done, and I really like it. I tried to go with a slightly different look for her. My favorite part of this drawing is the hair.

Note: I do not own the copy-written character above!!

Doctor Who - Cyberman

Another costuming activity that I'm working is the Cyberman implant from Doctor Who. This is made out of puffy fabric paint.

This is the best photo I can find, of what's in the episode. 

This helps to give an idea, how large it is. I made it a bit too big, but it still looks cool.

The fact that it's too big actually works out. While I really like it, I have now idea as to how I would wear it without the paint sticking to my face. I was planning on covering it in liquid latex, but I don't think that would work. I still what to try it, but I do have another idea. 

Something I might be able to do is use sculpey clay, sculpt this design, bake it, and then cover it with liquid latex. I can do a few layer of latex, and let it dry. Once it dries, I can use metallic silver paints, paint the top, wait for it to dry, and then add more latex on top.

This is the puffy paint brand I used. It really looks like metal, once it's dried.

 Thanks for taking a look at my blog! If you have any suggestions on any improvements I can make, post away in the comments. Be sure to comment and share! :D

 Note: I do not own any of the characters or photos above, and am in no way affiliated with Tulip paints!!

Clearer Photos

Hey everyone! Here's some updated photos of some past drawings that were, originally a bit difficult to see, due to the photo quality.

Drawing of Gamora from Guardians of the Galaxy

Drawing of Peter Quill/ Star Lord from Guardians of the Galaxy

This is a drawing of Elsa, dressed as a member of the X-Men

Drawing of Drax the Destroyer from The Guardians of the Galaxy

Drawing of Nebula from Guardians of the Galaxy

Drawing of Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy

Hope you've enjoyed my post! Have a few more things to post about tonight, and then will begin working on painting my paper mache Loki scepter! Looking forward to posting that :)

Note: I do not own any of the copy-written characters or movie titles above!!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

More Costuming Ideas

One of my artistic hobbies is designing and making costumes. These are a few costume ideas I've come up with.

 This costume design is a Steampunk Loki costume, based on the Simplicity pattern below. Once I finished  with my Loki scepter (which I'm hoping to work on and completely finish, soon!) I would love to make this costume, but still have to make the helmet for it.

Another costume that I just finished, is a clockwork machine costume based on the characters from Doctor Who, from the episode, "The Girl in the Fireplace."
This is a reference photo of the episode, that I used, and below is a photo of me in the costume.

While the dress isn't quite the right time period, I'm going to be making alterations to it soon. One thing I'm very proud of with this costume, is the mask. I took a simple masquerade mask, and painted it for my costume. I did have to make they eye openings larger, and sanded the edges for a smoother look.

I'll be adding more details to it soon, by adding thin nylon to the inside of the eyes to darken them, and also adding gold leaf paint to where the yellow is now. I know it's not the best costume for this character, but keep in mind, I worked on the mask, and altered the dress, the night before the event!

Here's a close up of the mask below:

I hope to continue working on all of the above costume project soon. However, this is my next project! I'm trying to create a costume for one of the dolls from the Doctor Who episode, "Night Terrors."
I'm trying to figure out how to create the headpiece of the costume, but haven't quite gotten the idea for it yet. Some ideas are making a paper mache costume (with newspaper, not the clay, as it's so much heavier), or making it out of cardboard. Another idea is to buy a mask used in fencing, and add paper mache to the front, and cardboard to the back, to create the features of the costume.

If you have any ideas on how to create this headpiece, please add your comments below! Thanks again for reading my blog!

Note: I do not own any copy-written images, names, or characters above!!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

First Real Steampunk Character!

Hey everyone! I've just begun to create steampunk inspired costumes and characters. The character below is a free-hand drawn character, with a steampunk influence.

It took me a long time to draw, but I really like it, and think it's pretty good for a first attempt! 

As always, thank you for looking at my blog! Please comment and share! :)

More Works in Progress

I'm working on some more drawings, but still have a long way to go on a lot of these.

I'm going to work on another Zentangle drawing, with the Star Wars Rebel Alliance as the logo. 

I've been working with calligraphy, but still need a lot of practice. It'll improve, though :)

The other project I'm currently drawing, is a free-handed sketch of Wonder Woman. I prefer to draw Marvel characters, but I wanted to draw something different. I'll be drawing her outfit soon, but I'm not quite sure it will look like yet. 

I hope you have enjoyed seeing my next few pieces of artwork that I will be finishing pretty soon! :)

Note: I do not own any of the copy-written characters or logos above!!

Work in Progress... Middle Earth

I've been working on a project on and off for about a year or so now, and figured that I might as well post the photos from it, since I have not worked on it for quite a while.

Opening page of the notebook.

A drawing of Thorin's map. I'm still not finished with it yet

Let the journey begin!

Drawing of Bilbo Baggins

A drawing of Thorin Oakenshield. This is not in the notebook, but sort of illustrates the style of drawing that I'll be including in the book. I'll be making a smaller version of this drawing.

The notebook will be covering all of the major characters (a total of about 56 characters) from the Hobbit trilogy and the Lord of the Rings. I'm also going to draw Dale, Isengard, Mt. Doom, the Lonely Mountain, Lake Town, Gondor, and Rohan. This is going to take me an extremely long time, but I think it's going to be awesome, once it's completed!

Note: I do not own any of the copy-written characters or names above!!

Better Paintings

New and improved photos of my paintings! YAY for better quality photos! ;) Enjoy.

Painting of a koi fish - didn't quite work like I wanted it to, but it's a start.

Better photo of my peacock painting.




Still more posts to come!

Note: I do not own any of the copy-written characters above!!

Previous Drawings

Hey there! I've just gotten a chance to take photos of some drawings I've done in the past, but have never been able to post. It's a pretty eclectic collection, but I hope you enjoy my previous drawings. :)

A drawing of how I picture Puddleglum the Marshwiggle, from The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair. I know it's not totally accurate, but I like it :)

A Zentangle drawing of the Mockingjay logo

Arthur/Wart from the Sword in the Stone.

Random sketch I drew of a squid while I was doing research on them.

 Painting of a bird

Malcom Merlin from Arrow - doesn't look the best, because I didn't take a long time on it.

Random drawing of a dog in battle armor.

 Quick sketch of Biblo finding the One Ring

Eomer - Rider of Rohan

Emma Frost from the X-Men

Just a few drawing of some dragons, inspired by Skyrim.

Hope you enjoyed this super long post! ;) Thanks for reading all the way through if you made it this far! I'll be uploading a lot more photos soon, so stay tuned! As always, feel free to give constructive feedback on my photos, and please share my blog.

Note: I do not own any of the copy-written characters above!!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Practicing Watercolor Painting

Hey there! Recently, I've been experimenting and practicing watercolor painting. I'm not really great at it, but it's an attempt ;) Well, here they are!

Bamboo! While this is a bit basic, I still like it.

Just a little sparrow :) I really like all of the speckles on the wings.

While this one is pretty simple, I still really like it. I love how the yellows and browns contrast with the bright pink and pale blue. I'm happy with how the beak turned out as well.

A peacock - I love the colors that I used, but I'm a bit disappointed with the tail. I wish the colors hadn't run into each other as much.  Maybe next time, it'll be a bit better.

 And, of course, I couldn't do a watercolor painting without doing something geeky! Wolverine! :)

Hope you've enjoyed my work! :) Sorry some of the pictures were a bit blurry. As always, comment below for feedback and share my blog! Thanks to all of those who read my blog - I've had 4,300+ visitors to my blog!

Note: I do not own any of the copy-written characters above!!